Increase your personal training income
A trend in our industry is to sell personal training (PT) at point of sale (POS). In fact, doing so, as well as using other secondary spend profit centres, increases conversion of the primary spend, increases income, enhances the overall experience of prospects, and maximises the value you can demonstrate to your new members or clients.
It is important to note however: in order to increase your long-term income using this strategy you must NEVER discount your PT at POS! For instance, many clubs make the mistake of selling a “Three-Pack of PT for $60” (for example). While this is perceived as great value, which it is, the opportunity for your members to keep investing in PT after these three sessions is reduced, as they perceive the value of each PT session to only be $20 ($60 divided by three sessions). So, when they are asked to continue after their initial three sessions at a price of $60 per session, they don’t see the value due to how it was presented at POS (expecting $20 per session).
Therefore, to make selling PT at POS work, and to achieve long-term PT income, you must only promote and explain the initial offer as “Buy 1 PT session at $60 and receive 2 for free – save $120!” Therefore, the offer holds its initial strong value, and your member already understands the value of every session is $60. The chances of then later converting to a longer term PT client becomes a lot higher. Now that’s a Win/Win!
For more information about maximising your income potential through Sales, Management and Communication Training, call me on 0434 546 725 or email [email protected]